Company giving
If you are from a company that would like to sponsor our work, we’d love to hear from you.
Support is primarily focussed on enhancing our research and policy work across our thematic areas to better social equity, governance and climate mitigation in the infrastructure sector. Company support could also further the work helping engineering graduates in sub-Saharan Africa enter the job market. We will acknowledge your support in various ways across our communications tools.
Please email Charlotte Broyd to discuss the options for how we can work together.
Individual giving
As an individual there are several ways that you can support our work:
1. By single donation
- By bank transfer to
Bank Account Name: Engineers Against Poverty
Bank Account No: 41440420
Bank Sort Code: 60-40-05
Reference: Donation
If you are a UK tax payer please also complete the Gift Aid form to allow us to claim more on your donation. - By our JustGiving profile.
- By filling in our donation form and returning it to us. If you would like us to send you a form and a self-addressed envelope, please email info@engineersagainstpoverty.org.
Unless you would like to donate anonymously, please do email info@engineersagainstpoverty.org once you have made a donation.
2. By regular donation
By downloading our Standing Order Form and returning it to us. If you would like us to send you a form, please email info@engineersagainstpoverty.org.
3. By payroll giving
Payroll giving is an efficient, regular way to donate to a charity. It allows you to donate straight from your salary before tax is deducted. This means a donation of £5 a month to EAP will only cost you £4 (£3 if you are a higher rate taxpayer).
If your employer offers payroll giving, you simply need to ask them to deduct regular charitable donations from your pay. If your employer does not already operate a payroll giving scheme, please encourage them to set one up! They are easy to run.
If they need help in getting started please contact us.
4. By legacy
Including Engineers Against Poverty in your will is an amazing way to make sure your generosity lasts beyond your lifetime. It is an easy and tax efficient way to support our work. Charitable bequests in your will are free of tax. By leaving a legacy to charity, you also lower the amount of your estate on which your relatives would be liable to pay Inheritance Tax.
There are two main types of legacies:
- A residuary legacy is when a person leaves a percentage of their estate to a charity. This means that, however much your estate is worth, you ensure your loved ones are looked after as well as giving a gift to your chosen charity. It also means you don’t have to keep altering your will as your circumstances change.
- A pecuniary legacy is a set sum of money.
For any matters to do with your will, it is always recommended that you seek professional legal advice, ideally from a solicitor. You can find a solicitor in your area through the Law Society.
If you would like to contact EAP about leaving a legacy please contact us.
5. By a sponsored event
We’d be delighted for you to help us raise awareness on our important work by choosing EAP as your charity of choice for a sponsored event. Past events have ranged from those including climbing the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro and running the London Marathon. Other innovations are welcome, such as sponsored cake sales or pitching a stall at a local fare. Please contact us if you would like to discuss ideas.
Thank you!
Any amount or donation, whether it be big or small can make a difference to our work. So that we can show our appreciation of your support, please do email info@engineersagainstpoverty.org once you have made a donation.